Transaction fee
limit order 0.02%
market order 0.04%
Fee refund rate
Number of members together
12,682 people
Cumulative amount refunded
About Bitget
I'm curious about the benefits I can receive.
We will refund 60% of the fee paid.
(Payback target: futures trading / USDT trading pair)
The fee considering payback is
The limit price is
0.008% / the market price is 0.016%.
(5~10% additional payback compared to all companies including Tethermax)
I already have a Bitget account.
are you okay. For Bitget, different IDs for up to 3 accounts KYC verification is possible with (resident registration card, driver's license, passport). On average, this process takes about 3 minutes and 30 seconds, see the "I already have an account" button for more details.
All three accounts have already been KYC verified.
You are okay. The CoinPayback team found a solution. In the case of Bitget, KYC authentication can be cancelled. What if you don’t know how to cancel? A counselor will help you.
It's okay if you already have an account.